
Wednesday 5 September 2018

TWTWB chp 13 2/2

“Paradise of Hell” is an oxymoron. What does it mean.---It is the opposite of hell while being in hell

Kevin’s hatred of the invaders is quite extreme. Why do you think he is so angry? because people are taking over his country that he loves so much and they are ruining it.

The group take turns discussing the extent to which they’d go to make a difference. Order the characters by their commitment to overthrowing the enemy?:

The group is starting to think about long term survival in Hell. What are some clues to this?

What does the group decide they must do at this point?

Despite the fact that the teenagers are in the midst of a war zone, evading enemy soldiers and planning guerrilla operations, they still find time to harbor romances. Do you think this is realistic?

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