
Friday 24 August 2018

TWTWB chapter 13

Must Do Questions:

  1. All the teenagers have a specific role to play in their group. Describe the roles each teenager plays? Ellie and homer are the leaders she makes most of the decisions in the group and make sure everyone is OK and together, Robyn is the voice of reasoning and the medic of the group, Kevin is an emotional and passionate person, Lee dead weight atm, Corrie is the mother of the group, and Fi the quiet one, Chris is a writer he is smart and crazy and weird in a good way.
  2. According to what the teenagers hear on Corries radio, why would America be best not to get involved in Australia’s struggle.... It would be to bloody and it cost to much like loosing their lives
  3. Why is Australia being invaded? To work out the imbalance of the land
  4. A reader can infer many things from the snippet of news heard over Corrie’s radio. Which country or countries are likely to have invaded Australia? Poorer countries want to take over and start a new life
  5. How are the prisoners being treated? They are getting treated well and being feed good
  6. What do Kevin and Robyn argue about? Do you think Robyn’s points are fair? They have an argument about which side Robyn is on.

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