
Tuesday 14 August 2018

Power of one seel paragraphs

In the power of one close up was used effectively. For example the director john avildsen used a close up to show the anger in jappie bortha when he got in trouble by the owner of the school. The director did this to show how furious Jaapie botha was with P.K. This technique created an impact by showing the audiences that Jaapie had an intention to kill P;K and all english. This Technique can be shown in the seen where Jaapie gets hit by the owner of the school for his stupid acts

In the power of one long shot was used effectively. For example when P.K was in the graveyard saying goodbye to his chicken that jaapie botha killed with a stone . The director used this to show where P.K was and how sad he was by the way he posture is. This technique created an impacted on the audience to show that jaapie botha will do anything to make P.K suffer.This Technique can be shown in the seen where P.K is in the graveyard where his mum and chicken got buried.

In the power of one low angle shot was used effectively. We see this when P.K was trying to do a task his grandfather's friend asked him to do it was a task to mad sad boys happy. The director used this to show how P.K tried his best to be happy again. This technique created an impacted on the audience to show that P.K wanted to be happy again by trying new stuff and listening to his grandfather’s friend. This Technique can be shown in the seen where P.K was standing on a little fence made out of blocks while saying weird stuff.

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