
Thursday 30 August 2018

TWTWB chpt 14

1. Ellie is confused because she has a crush on homer and Lee
2. Ellie started having feelings for Lee but still likes homer so she is confused on how she feels

Tuesday 28 August 2018

science blow carts

In science we have been learning about forces and motions today we were building a blow cart this is what our cart looks like.

We named it Fire phoenix 283 the original 
Our first thing we did was make a plan we did 3 different plans but decided on one at it was make something like a pirate ship so we started to build it but then we decided to change it and make it sort of like a kite sail. 

We thought of using paper but it was too flimsy so we used cardboard and it works better.

All we have to do is test it and make some more changes to the sail then we are done.

Friday 24 August 2018

TWTWB chapter 13

Must Do Questions:

  1. All the teenagers have a specific role to play in their group. Describe the roles each teenager plays? Ellie and homer are the leaders she makes most of the decisions in the group and make sure everyone is OK and together, Robyn is the voice of reasoning and the medic of the group, Kevin is an emotional and passionate person, Lee dead weight atm, Corrie is the mother of the group, and Fi the quiet one, Chris is a writer he is smart and crazy and weird in a good way.
  2. According to what the teenagers hear on Corries radio, why would America be best not to get involved in Australia’s struggle.... It would be to bloody and it cost to much like loosing their lives
  3. Why is Australia being invaded? To work out the imbalance of the land
  4. A reader can infer many things from the snippet of news heard over Corrie’s radio. Which country or countries are likely to have invaded Australia? Poorer countries want to take over and start a new life
  5. How are the prisoners being treated? They are getting treated well and being feed good
  6. What do Kevin and Robyn argue about? Do you think Robyn’s points are fair? They have an argument about which side Robyn is on.

Thursday 23 August 2018

TWTWB poem

From bright, humid days to smoke filled skies.
No one was aware of the governments lies.
But bound together from friendships ties,
Seven teens set out on a journey.

With little control of what lied ahead,
They joyfully laughed with little worry to shed,
But once home, with their animals found dead
They suspected the districts attorney.

After tears were spilled and the truth was discovered,
The group swore to rebel,
They planned out their methods and followed their hearts,
As they bid their safety farewell.

Injured and angry they fell to their knees,
Only to rise higher than ever,
They showed no mercy and bombed down the bridge
And they swore to rebel forever.

TWTWB can-do questions

Musical -
Fi play list:
Tagpuan - Moira dela torre
Oks lang ako - Jroa
wala na bang pag-ibig -jaya

Homer play list: 
Danger - BTS
Boy in luv - BTS

Fi play list - i choose Tagpuan by Moira dela torre because since Fi is a passionate and loving person i think Tagpuan would be a great choice because in the song the lyrics -
Nung nakita kita sa tagpuan ni Bathala
May kinang sa mata na di maintindihan
Tumingin kung saan sinubukan kong lumisan
At tumigil ang mundo
Nung ako'y ituro mo
At hindi ka lumayo
Nung ako yung sumusuko
At nagbago ang mundo
Nung ako'y pinaglaban mo

which in english these translate to 
When I saw you at Bathala's meeting place
There was a spark in your eyes that could not be understood
Looked towards where I tried to leave
And the world stopped
As you lead me
And you did not go away
When I was the one giving up
And the world changed
When you fought for me

Wednesday 22 August 2018

TWTWB chapter 11

1. Yes because teenagers can sleep for a very long time if they are stressed or worried their stress might be really bad and can make them sleep longer. No, she feels wiser stricter and a bit ruder

2. a. she misses her dad cooking on the bbq and she might miss her whole town     b. because it was a dream and might not of heard her because of the noise
    c. ellie might miss her childhood when the town was happy and they were super close
    d. They might be starting a new life and leaving the old life behind
    e. Ellie has feelings for lee

3. a. Because if he is not awake he might not notice danger and get the other people in danger
    b. Ellie yells at him to wake him up and then gives him a big lecture about sleeping on the job and how much danger it could bring to the others
    c. she feeling a bit guilty and hurt that she yelled at Chris but it had to be done or they will be dead

4. she feels safe so her mind brings all her fears into her dream to make her feel scared and less safe

Tuesday 21 August 2018

Tomorrow when the war begins: Chapter 11

1. Cold, fear, excitement. It comes from the brain
2. it's exciting that they are going into war and might die. Yes because they are with their friends and the ride together they die together
3. be safe around dangerous equipment
4. The neighbors always leave the home for the night and the lights are always out
5. The BMW takes them farther away faster. Chris seems lonely because he was all alone and thought he had no one left
6. Homer isn't dumb enough to take a big bulldozer around town
7. I thought it was boring in the first 2 chapters till the war started then it was interesting

Friday 17 August 2018

Words from TWTWB that i don't know and the meaning/definitions

Chapter 10 words I Don't know + the meaning. 
Crude- Something That is badly made or hastily put together and when you talk to someone and you say something rude 

Abreast - Side by side and facing the same way.

Tomorrow when the war begins chapter 10 answers

1. Hide and not get caught by the soldiers. Homer convinced corrie not to take the Toyota because the soldiers might have seen it from the air and if they saw it missing they could suspect something and track them down.

2. If they get to a corner Ellie would get off the bike and look around to see if it was safe to keep going

3. Maybe he wanted to keep himself safe or has family members that are hurt or something and wanted to get some stuff and run back home to the family. I think he was a bit rude for not helping out a patient that was in need of being taken care of. 

4. He has changed from the class clown to a leader and has stopped his joking around and helps with the group 

5. Experienced and Inexperienced - The experienced soldiers treated the inhabitant with a bit more respect than the Inexperienced soldiers. The Inexperienced soldiers treated them unkind and didn't show them any respect

6. Robyn had strength to carry Lee because she had the adrenaline and wanted to help a friend and not be selfish and leave a friend behind

7. They decided to rescue Lee by carrying him in a bulldozer. I think this will work because while he is in the shovel they can carry him without worry and get through places where they might get caught on foot.

8. Some people try to act like heroes then they become cocky sometimes they get caught and taken into treason or some others might be taken to the extreme by being shot on the spot. 

Tuesday 14 August 2018

Power of one seel paragraphs

In the power of one close up was used effectively. For example the director john avildsen used a close up to show the anger in jappie bortha when he got in trouble by the owner of the school. The director did this to show how furious Jaapie botha was with P.K. This technique created an impact by showing the audiences that Jaapie had an intention to kill P;K and all english. This Technique can be shown in the seen where Jaapie gets hit by the owner of the school for his stupid acts

In the power of one long shot was used effectively. For example when P.K was in the graveyard saying goodbye to his chicken that jaapie botha killed with a stone . The director used this to show where P.K was and how sad he was by the way he posture is. This technique created an impacted on the audience to show that jaapie botha will do anything to make P.K suffer.This Technique can be shown in the seen where P.K is in the graveyard where his mum and chicken got buried.

In the power of one low angle shot was used effectively. We see this when P.K was trying to do a task his grandfather's friend asked him to do it was a task to mad sad boys happy. The director used this to show how P.K tried his best to be happy again. This technique created an impacted on the audience to show that P.K wanted to be happy again by trying new stuff and listening to his grandfather’s friend. This Technique can be shown in the seen where P.K was standing on a little fence made out of blocks while saying weird stuff.

Tomorrow, when the war begins

Must Do Questions:

How did the group of teenagers ascend Tailors Stitch? land rover
What are the two special events happening the day after the teenagers leave for the bush? concert and a show
How many days were they planning on staying? How much food do you think is reasonable to bring, split between 7 teenagers? 5 days and one sandwich plus a bar each will be good enough for one person will be good enough
Who is the Hermit and what is he supposed to have done? he is a murder and he kills people
Do you think the Hermit will be significant to this story? Why/Why not?Yes i think he will because he will be a survivor
Is their decent down Satan’s Steps into Hell dangerous? Discuss what are the dangers, how could they have made it safer, what would you have done?
Predict what the bridge signifies

CARR Licences

1. What are we doing with the CARR cards? It is a system that will help us in English and show the teachers who needs support in English and who is capable of working on their own 's
2. Why are we doing this? To improve everybody behavior in class and their attitude towards their learning
3. where, in the 4 sections do I place myself? Full Licences
4. What learning improvements will you aim for? I will aim for the expert licence so the teacher can trust me and i can learn outside the class in a different and quieter environment