
Tuesday 13 October 2020

Reduced Plastic Waste

December Newsletter                                               16/12/2020


Dear Customers and Suppliers, 

I would like to inform you about the new set up to reduce plastic waste. 

  • We would like to stop putting plastics into our landfill, biodegradable/degradable plastic bags and bottles only break down in specific conditions. It is not a long term solution
  • We are inviting customers to be apart of this idea, we would love to work with them as a community, their feedback and improvements are welcomed as we would like to change the way customers buy their everyday products.
  • All plastic bags will be now replaced with hessian bags (which is made from flax and hemp fibers). The first bag will be free with purchases over $50. Or we could provide recycled cardboard boxes (and help carry to your car).
  • Most liquid products (liquid soap, shampoo, dishwashing liquid, etc) Will now be available in "fill your own" containers. Bring your own container to fill and get a 5% discount.
  • With fresh vegetables, we will be trying re-usable waxed cotton bags to keep fresh.
If you would like any more information about this, feel free to contact me on 07 444 4444. Or email me: Visit our store on 123 Green Road, Newton, or take a look at our website:

Greatly appreciated,  

Stanley Organics Ltd
Recycling team 

Internal correspondance Fire Alarm

 From: Meg Markle 

To: Staff
CC: Manager
Date: 27 November 2017
Subject: Fire Evacuation

Hi All, 

It has been brought to my attention that when the fire alarm goes off not everyone knows what to do.
Below are the instructions on what to do in an emergency.
1. Walk calmly to your nearest exit, Do not run as this could hurt yourself or other staff. Leave any items behind as it will slow you down. If you see anyone that is not leaving, get them and take them with you. 
2. Once outside proceed to the parking lot, do not wander off.
3. Once everyone has been accounted for and the building has been checked for any possible fires, you may enter the building only once you have been told to do so. 

Using these instructions will keep you and everyone else safe. I would like it if every department manager could print these out and put them next to every exit in your department. 
If you need to, please contact me for any further information 

Kind regards
Fire Instructor